近年抗體藥已為臨床主流,然而抗體所辨認之抗原除了在疾病區表現外亦存在於正常組織,長期全身性中和抗原易產生嚴重副作用,如:類風濕性關節炎藥物Remicade可藉由中和關節炎區域的腫瘤壞死因子α (TNF-α)減緩發炎症狀,但TNF-α為重要免疫因子,長期全身性抑制下將降低患者免疫力,提升嚴重性感染風險(如肺結核)。因此如何提升抗體對疾病區抗原選擇性以降低副作用乃當務之急。本團隊開發萬能抗體鎖平台,以抗體Hinge結構作為抗體鎖,屏蔽抗體的抗原結合位,並藉由蛋白酶專一性受質胜肽連結形成前驅抗體,唯在蛋白酶過度表現疾病區,抗體鎖才能被移除,回復抗體原有結合力,提升抗體對疾病選擇性並降低副作用。目前已證實抗體鎖可屏蔽Remicade 269倍結合力,且經蛋白酶活化後其結合能力可完全恢復。抗體鎖可有效避免抗藥抗體中和pro-Remicade。在活體中更證實pro-Remicade選擇性活化於疾病區,並有效減緩類風濕性關節炎症狀;經由伺機性感染實驗發現,施打pro-Remicade小鼠組別存活率高於施打Remicade組別71%之多,證實pro-Remicade可有效改善Remicade副作用問題,成果在2019年被頂尖期刊PLoS Biol. 2019 Jun 13;17(6)刊登 IF=8.386 (13/189=6.8%),目前此技術平台專利已全球布局15個國家,獲得十個國家專利認證,完善的專利保護將加速其產業運用。抗體鎖平台可通用於各種單株抗體藥物,如類風濕性關節炎用藥(Remicade、Humira)、骨質疏鬆症用藥 (Prolia)、牛皮癬用藥(Stelara) 及癌症用藥 (Herceptin、Yervoy、Opdivo),皆可套用本抗體鎖以屏蔽抗體結合位,且抗體鎖可被蛋白酶選擇性活化並完全回復抗體功能,另外我們也建立以電腦結構模擬出抗體鎖屏蔽各式抗體的效率,可客製化產生各種前驅抗體,加速產業化效益。基於以上成果、抗體市場性與疾病的需求性,我們已利用抗體鎖平台成立創新研究服務公司積極進行產業推廣,相信抗體鎖可為抗體產業帶來更大的經濟效益。透過本抗體鎖,即可開發具有選擇性且低副作用的"前驅抗體藥物",對抗體產業帶來革命性的影響,並帶給病人更佳的生活品質與療效。

本校主要研究者之簡介: 鄭添祿 講座教授兼研發長
研究聯繫Email: tlcheng@kmu.edu.tw
期刊出處: PLOS Biology
期刊線上參閱網址: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000286
Universal antibody lock can enhance the disease selectivity of antibody drugs to reduce side effects
Universal antibody lock can enhance the disease selectivity of antibody drugs to reduce side effects
Long term administration of therapeutic antibody (Ab) can lead to serious adverse effects. It will be a great business opportunity to reduce side effects by enhancing the selective targeting of Ab to disease region. We used hinge domain as Ab lock to link the Ab by protease substrate peptide, to generate a pro-Ab that will block the binding of Ab to the antigen. The Ab will be revived by specific protease which overexpressed in disease region, the selectivity of Abs to disease region will be increased and reduce side effects. Results showed the binding of pro-Remicade was 269.5-fold weaker than Remicade and completely restored after activation with protease. Compare to Remicade, Pro-Remicade provided equivalent serum half-life and therapeutic efficacy while minimizing the interference in immunity against Listeria infection. Moreover, patents have been filed in 15 countries. We expect the Ab lock for improving selective activation of Abs can improve the quality of life in patients and cause revolution of Ab drugs industry in the future.

We used an autologous hinge as antibody lock to cover the antigen-binding site of Remicade by using MMP-2/9 substrate linker to generate pro-Remicade. Upon protease activation at the rheumatoid arthritis region, the antibody lock was released, and the pro-Remicade could specifically activate and neutralize TNFα at the disease site to inhibit rheumatoid arthritis progression.
Main researcher Intro.
Tian-Lu Cheng
Author Email: tlcheng@kmu.edu.tw
Paper cited from: PLOS Biology
Paper online https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000286