潛力的皮膚抗老化成分-Cosmos caudatus Kunth萃取,抑制膠原蛋白酶MMP-1和MMP-3活性
潛力的皮膚抗老化成分-Cosmos caudatus Kunth萃取,抑制膠原蛋白酶MMP-1和MMP-3活性
皮膚是人體主要防禦屏障,真皮纖維母細胞在皮膚內合成和建構富含膠原蛋白的細胞外基質。皮膚老化受到內在因素的影響,包括遺傳、荷爾蒙調節和代謝過程,以及受到外在壓力,例如長時間暴露於物理壓力、光照、污染和化學物質,這些因素使細胞外基質缺乏,導致皮膚外觀的變化,包括皺紋和老人斑的形成、皮膚乾燥,以及因喪失皮膚彈性而下垂。在馬來西亞普遍認為食用Cosmos caudatus Kunth(稱為“國王沙拉”),可以保持皮膚年輕的外觀,儘管經常食用,但對其成分組成和抗老化特性的研究卻很有限。
使用 75% 乙醇分提層析,從而分離出CC-E2 和 CC-E3兩個劃分層,表現出抗氧化活性且無細胞毒性。這兩個劃分層皆有效抑制人類真皮成纖維細胞中,TNF-α 誘導的的膠原酶活性、MMP-1 和MMP-3 mRNA與蛋白質表達,以及NF-κB 活化。當中分離出十四種化合物,主要是類黃酮及其醣苷。HPLC分析顯示CC-E2 和 CC-E3 中存在的主要化合物,分別是槲皮苷 (14.79% w/w) 和槲皮素 (11.20% w/w)。值得注意,這兩個劃分層表現出對TNF-α誘導MMP-3 蛋白表現的協同抑製作用。Cosmos caudatus 植物萃取分提的劃分層 CC-E2 和 CC-E3 富含生物活性化合物,這些成分展現抗炎、抗氧化和抗衰老特性,可以用於化粧品中發揮抗皮膚老化功效。

1. 從 Cosmos caudatus 分提層中鑑定出 14 種具有抗皮膚老化活性的化合物。
2. Cosmos caudatus當中的生物活性成分及化合物,具潛力開發成化粧品原料,應用於抗皮膚老化產品。
團隊成員:盧燕奇, 胡皓竣, 余思穎, 蔡逸宏, 柯麥可, 吳永昌, 張芳榮, 陳瑩容
研究聯繫Email:yjchen@kmu.edu.tw, aaronfrc@kmu.edu.tw, yachwu@kmu.edu.tw
論文出處:Phytomedicine, 110, 154643.
Potential skin anti-aging ingredient - Cosmos caudatus Kunth extract, inhibits collagenase MMP-1 and MMP-3 activity
Potential skin anti-aging ingredient - Cosmos caudatus Kunth extract, inhibits collagenase MMP-1 and MMP-3 activity
The skin, which serves as the body's primary defense barrier, dermal fibroblasts synthesize and organize collagen-rich extracellular matrix within the skin. The skin aging process is influenced by intrinsic factors, including genetics, hormone regulation, and metabolic processes, as well as extrinsic stressors, such as prolonged exposure to physical forces, chronic light exposure, pollution, and chemicals, which cause the disorganization of the extracellular matrix and lead to changes in skin appearance, including the formation of wrinkles and age spots, skin dryness, and sagging due to the loss of skin elasticity. Despite the common belief in Malaysia that the consumption of Cosmos caudatus Kunth, also known as "King's Salad," maintains the youthful appearance of the skin, there is limited research on its chemical constituents and anti-aging properties, despite its frequent consumption.
Fractionation was performed using a layer partitioned with 75% ethanol, resulting in the isolation of two fractions, CC-E2 and CC-E3, that exhibited potent antioxidant activity and lacked cytotoxicity. The results revealed that both fractions effectively inhibited collagenase activity, MMP-1 and MMP-3 mRNA and protein expression, and NF-κB activation induced by TNF-α in human dermal fibroblasts. Fourteen compounds, primarily flavonoids and their glycosides, have been isolated. HPLC analysis revealed that quercitrin (14.79% w/w) and quercetin (11.20% w/w) were the major compounds present in CC-E2 and CC-E3, respectively. Notably, the combination of both fractions synergistically inhibited MMP-3 protein expression induced by TNF-α. The portions of the Cosmos caudatus Kunth, referred to as CC-E2 and CC-E3, are abundant in bioactive compounds that show anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties. These components can be incorporated into cosmetics and skin care products to provide anti-aging advantages.
Graphical abstract

Application and highlights:
1.14 compounds are identified from Cosmos caudatus fractions with skin anti-aging properties.
2.Cosmos caudatus bioactive fractions and pure compounds could be developed into potential cosmetic materials for skin anti-aging products.
Research Team Members: Yen Chi Loo, Hao-Chun Hu, Szu-Yin Yu, Yi-Hong Tsai, Michal Korinek, Yang-Chang Wu*, Fang-Rong Chang*, Ying-Jung Chen*
Representative Department: Graduate Institute of Natural Products and Department of Fragrance and Cosmetic Sciences
Contact Email: yjchen@kmu.edu.tw, aaronfrc@kmu.edu.tw, yachwu@kmu.edu.tw
Publication: Phytomedicine, 110, 154643.
Full-Text Article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phymed.2023.154643