科技部協同歐洲funding agency一起公開徵求癌症轉譯研究計畫書 - Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN-2),協助促成跨國多國研究團隊之形成,及各國家所長共同研究。
徵求主題: Immunology and Immunotherapy of Cancer: Strengthening the Translational Aspects
Pre-Proposal計畫截止日: 2016年2月5日。
詳細申請辦法,請參閱附件以及歐盟TRANSCAN-2計畫網站: http://www.transcanfp7.eu/
This 1st website is quite broad and can help you or your researchers to look for a French team working on all domain of cancer.
This 2nd website is dedicated to the SIRIC “the French Comprehensive Cancer Centres ” getting an INCa label.
Unfortunately the text is in French but at the bottom of the page you have in the section “Liens utiles” the websites of the 8 centers and all of these websites should have an English version.
Full-Proposal Application Form.pdf
Pre-Proposal Application Form.pdf