
團隊成員:劉怡 Yi Liu、李碧娥 Bi-oh Lee、周碧玲 Pi-Ling Chou
Nurse Education Today, 90 (July), 104424 (2019 SSCI, Nursing, IF:2.49, 7/121= 5.78%)
The innovation of digital learning-the EGC interative eBook can promote nursing student's learning effciency
The innovation of digital learning-the EGC interative eBook can promote nursing student's learning effciency
Critical care nursing is a difficult course in the nursing curriculum. Electrocardiography (ECG) interpretation has been considered the most difficult since the concept of ECG is complex and abstract. Currently, the common teaching methods for ECG learning include lectures, workshops, and simulation, etc. However, in the pandemic era, the face-to-face teaching method may not be applicable. It is important to develop digital learning material to enhance students’ digital learning.
To enhance nursing students’ digital learning effect, an interactive ECG eBook based on motivation theory was developed. The interactive functions included hyperlink index, multimedia, cover-up, interactive exercises, and forced learning, etc. This eBook was applied in the critical care nursing course. Students could have individualized learning anytime and anywhere via the internet or the mobile application program, which would further enhance students’ self-directed learning. After a two-year comparison study, it was found that the learning achievements were not significantly different between the group using the eBook and the group using traditional paper handouts. However, the study time was significantly less in the eBook group. It indicated that nursing students could learn in a more efficient way using an interactive e-book.
Regarding students’ learning satisfaction, most nursing students were satisfied with the ECG interactive eBook for promoting their learning motivation (73.1%), self-directed learning (77%), and learning achievement (88.5%). In the interview, students reported they were most satisfied with the convenience, effectiveness, and extensiveness of the eBook. Few students mentioned that some technical problems were encountered. It was suggested that teachers need to provide prompt assistance to help students with technical difficulties to decrease their frustration. In the future, the application of interactive eBooks in medical and nursing education should be extensively encouraged to promote students’ learning efficiency and satisfaction.
Graphical Abstract

Application and Highlights:
1.The interactive eBook based on the motivation theory can be a learning tool for promotingstudents digital learning efficiency.
2.The interactive eBook can be applied to other medical and nursing courses or to continuing education courses for clinical health care providers.
3.In school, a digital library for interaction eBooks can be built for students’interdisciplinary learning or for the public to promote the usage of digital learning materials.
4.The interactive eBooks can further combine with gamification learning to create advanced interactive learning based on the needs of students and fields.
Research Team Members: Yi Liu, Bih-O Lee, and Pi-Ling Chou
Representative Department: School of Nursing
Introduction of Research Team:
Yi Liu (associate professor) focuses on nursing education and workplace issues and was awarded “Excellent Performance” in the Ministry of Education Teaching Practice Research program. Bih-O Lee (professor) is an expert in trauma, nursing education, and interdisciplinary research. Pi-Ling Chou (associate professor) is an expert in heart failure, cancer pain, and innovative education.
Contact Email: gn94yliu@kmu.edu.tw
Nurse Education Today, 90 (July), 104424 (2019 SSCI, Nursing, IF:2.49, 7/121= 5.78%)
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